Delete and Restore files and folders in My Folders

Delete and Restore files and folders in My Folders

You can delete files and folders at any time. Files and folders can always be restored from the trash, unless you've taken the extra step of permanently deleting them.

To delete a file or folder:

1. Navigate to the left pane and click My Folders to open it on the right. 
2. Select a file or folder and click the delete icon  on the top actions bar. Alternatively, you can right-click the file or folder and select Move to Trash.  

Deleting files or folders that are shared with other team members will remove the files or folders for them, as well.

To restore a file or folder:

1. Navigate to the left pane and click My Folders to open it on the right. 
2. Click the dropdown arrow next to My Folders at the top-left and select Trash

3. The Trash tab will open. Select the file or folder you want to restore and click the restore icon  at the top of the trash list. Alternatively, you can also hover over the file or folder and click the restore icon  to restore.

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